A2 Media Blog for the film VALEO by Jessica Bartholomew, Tabitha Baker and Gemma Lynch

Friday 14 December 2012

Initial Shooting Script & Storyboard

White noise for a split second
Long shot of young man, smartly dressed and standing in front of a large Union Jack flag 
Cut to a medium shot of his face and shoulders as he stares directly into the camera lens 
The words spoken by the man ('the time is now') are followed by a smile and the shot zooms out to reveal that it is a YouTube video 
The shot continues to zoom out to the back of a young girl's head who is sitting in a dark room, illuminated by the light of the computer screen and stops at a medium shot of the back of the girl's head.
The words 'WHAT HAPPENS WHEN...' come on the screen.
The words typed into 'Google' 'INTERNET FREEDOM'
The words 'BECOMES' comes on the screen.
The word 'FREEDOM' is deleted from Google and the word 'CONTROL' is typed in.
Cut to a high angle shot of a train station in a rural area, where the protagonist (Megan) is walking with Ali. The words 'so you don't think that 'Valeo' video is weird or anything?' are heard as the shot cuts to a close up of Megan's face as she is walking.
The conversation creates a soundbridge, the words 'i don't know - i just don't like what's happening, it's like it's got some kind of hold on everyone at the moment' over a rapid series of close up shots of fingers on keyboards, people watching the video, violent and abusive YouTube comments against the government, Facebook pages etc.
Cut back to the scene of the two girls at the station, close up shot of Ali's face as she says 'it's just a video'. (If possible, the drop in the music will happen here)

Suddenly, the viewer is bombarded with shots of violence and mayhem including:
- Stock footage of riots and a compilation of news reports showing violence
- A medium shot of Jess, Charlie and Ali watching the video
- Quick shot of the part of the video where the man smiles into the camera
- A long shot of the same man in the video giving a passionate speech, with references to bringing down the government to an audience
- A pan across the faces of the audience - showing their excited, equally passionate expressions
- A low angle shot of several marching feet
- Quick extreme close up shots of the word 'Valeo' being typed into various social networking sites
This ends with another sound bridge of Megan shouting 'why do you think everyone's gone mental, it's the video'
We see Megan shouting the last half of the dialogue using a long shot where we can see Megan and Charlie in a rural landscape, Charlie is on top of a hill, and staring down at Megan.
For a second there is an uncomfortable silence (possibly with the high-pitched noise) before a close up on Charlie's face as she says 'but the time is now'
The scene cuts to white noise, then the name of the film and its release date.

This is the kind of thing we were thinking of using for music - have it building up throughout the first part of the trailer apart from when the youtube video is being seen - and then see how it looks.
We have e-mailed the user who made it asking if we can use this particular one so we are just waiting to hear back from him.

Initial Location Ideas - Rural Station Location


Because the characters in our trailer live in a remote location, they will need to commute into cities, we've decided to show this with a shot of the characters running along a deserted station's platform and then over a bridge. These are the stations we have considered:

Dunton Green Station: 
Dunton Green Station from the main entrance

This station is a good location because it looks quite run-down so it would enforce the hopeless tone of the trailer. The bridge here look quite old fashioned. The buildings here are minimal and therefore make the station look more empty and desolate.

Bat and Ball Station:
A view of Bat and Ball station from the  entrance

Bat and ball station is an ideal location because it's usually quiet, or empty (as shown in this photo). The bridge is in the perfect place and as the station isn't manned by South-Eastern employees it would be easy to make this location look like it's not in use because trains are no longer running in the dystopia. Also as it's not too run-down it could look like the country's only just got into trouble. The buildings, however, make the scene look quite busy and therefore it looks like there's more hope for them.

We have decided to use a remote location to show the universality of the issues created by the internet and the power of viral information. Anyone can be affected, and everyone is. Typically, we have found that in many films the location is a fast-paced city, however we wanted to show that even those not in city centres are affected by the power of the internet.

Thursday 13 December 2012


We found this video created by a peer which displays the dangers of the anonymity created by the internet. We want to use the idea of typing onto a website for the anchorage in our trailer:


Saturday 8 December 2012

Target Audience

As the characters in our trailer will  be teenage, our target audience is teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 and 25. Portraying the internet and new technology as powerful is something that would appeal to this age group, if we were aiming it at an older audience, such as parents, then we would explore the dangers of the internet for children. The inclusion of the government control aspect would also appeal to this group as politics have just become important in their lives, deciding which party they will vote for (when they can vote) is something that young people think very deeply about. The decisions made by the government also highly effect them, especially as they start to go into employment and pay university fees and tax. This means that this will be a topic of interest to this age group. All four of our characters are so different that there will be one character that each individual audience member will be able to identify with.

Character Costumes Initial Ideas

Megan (protagonist)

  • Tight top showing off arms muscles but not chest
  • Jeans for function
  • Warm jumper for function
  • Converse/trainers

Jess (flakey)

christmas jumper, collar, fairisle, indie, style
  • Ugly (indie) jumper
  • Nail design
  • Heels
  • Hair flower
  • Thin fabric
Charlie (aggressive)
  • Bright red top
  • Grey waist-high pleated skirt
  • Grey/black tights
  • Thick belt around waist
  • Military style boots which look superficially strong

Ali (intermediary)
  • Child-like jumper
  • 'Normal' clothes, block colours
  • Pigtails


Megan's clothing has to show that she is strong in both body and mind, thus why she is not effected by the mind control of the website. The t-shirt she wears will be functional, as will the jeans and jumper. This will show that she dresses in clothes for their functional not superficial reasons. 
Jess' clothing will be almost the polar opposite of Megan's because rather than being functional it will be clear that what Jess wears is chosen more for aesthetic reasons. She'll be wearing heels as they will make her look more fragile and ethereal, thin fabrics will add a floaty sense to her character. We will also have nail art and accessories to show the extent she cares about her appearance.
Charlie's costume will show that she wants to be a strong, in-control, character but that the strength that comes through from her clothing is more superficial than real. This will be shown through the military style boots that she'll wear, which appear to be strong themselves and give the appearance that the wearer is strong, when actually neither are as strong as they seem.
Ali's clothing will be block colours, a t-shirt, chinos and jumper. Her clothing will be typical to a teenager but she will be wearing pigtails will will show her childlike, vulnerable side. This will be important to her character because she'll be the character who doesn't know where her allegiances lie and will need help,  protection and emotional support from the other characters due to her emotional immaturity.  

Initial Shot Ideas

In our trailer it is important that the shots which we use are perfect for the impact which we want the trailer to have. These are some ideas for shots that we plan to use:

- Long shots of action e.g. running
- Mid / close up shots of people using computers / on the website
- Facebook comments as reviews
- Anchorage shown as typing into Google
- Screen recording of YouTube video of extremist party leader
- Mid-shots of the characters talking in a small, quiet cafe